


A man in a suit and tie is smiling for the camera.

John Nowak


A woman in a red shirt and necklace is smiling for the camera.

Taylor Nowak

Agency Manager

Your Independent Insurance Agents

We are an independent insurance agency that represents you and your best interest. In a day and age where pretty much all insurance agents and insurance companies are transactional and don't take the time to explain coverage's to you, we are different.

We care about you, your family, and your future. Honesty and Integrity are very important to our organization and the people we work with.

Are you tired of over paying for coverage's that you don't have to have? We believe in getting the insurance that you need and is tailored for you and your family. Why pay for extra if you don't have to?

On the other hand, we also believe in making sure that you are properly protected. The last thing we want to do is put a CHEAP policy in place and then when claims time rolls around we don't have the right coverage! We analyze ever aspect of your policy and point out any areas of concern. 

Do you want to be able to put your head down at night without the worries of tomorrow? Then give us a call and take advantage of our "Shield Scan" to make sure of 2 things: Not paying more than you have to for your insurance; and more importantly to make sure you're properly covered. 

Pick up your Shield and protect your Family, your Money, and your Future!

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